Tuesday 2 September 2008


Ganzfeld : the name of a technique in parapsychology that is used in the investigation of ESP. A subject normally wears halved table tennis balls over the eyes while listening to a hissing sound through headphones. This sound is often referred to as 'white noise'.
The experiment is conducted in this way in order to help the subject experience the absence of patterned stimulation which is useful in the study of ESP.


Gargoyle n : a name given to a grotesque carving which is usually in the form of a human or animal mouth, head or body, projecting from the gutter of a building. This type of carving is often found in Gothic architecture and its practical function is usually to act as a spout or drain to channel away rainwater. The grotesque nature of the carving is also thought to serve as a frightening deterrent to ward off bad luck or evil spirits.


Gemstone n : a highly polished semi-precious stone that is often linked to the birth sign of an individual. For each sign of the zodiac there is a corresponding gemstone which if worn in some way, is said to bring good luck.


Geomancy : is an ancient form of divination which involves either, the scattering of handfuls of soil, earth or other materials on the ground, or markings made in the earth or sand, in order to make 'a range of dot configurations which can then be "read" by a seer'.

Geomancy, however in the 19th century began to be applied to the Chinese practice of feng shui, which literally means "wind and water". This is an ancient Chinese system of creating harmonious surroundings in order to ensure health, happiness and prosperity. The way in which this was done involved the geomant or the feng shui master employing 'a circular magnetic compass, called a luopan, which was marked off in rings containing data relating to astrology, directions, the elements, landscape forms, times of day, and so on. The aim was to locate a site where the energies or ch'i of the land and sky were brought into perfect balance. The harmony of these energies ensured good fortune'.

GESP (General Extra Sensor Perception)

GESP (General Extra Sensor Perception) : is a term that refers to a form of ESP that when it occurs, it is particularly unclear as to whether or not the results were due to clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition or telepathy.


Ghosts : are believed to be the spirits of dead people. When they appear, they are said to appear in bodily likeness to living persons and often haunt their former habitats. Some believe that ghosts are the souls of the deceased, demons or spirits. Here are a few possibilities of what constituates to be a ghost

1). A spirit departed

2). The replay of something that had happened in the past

3). A malfunction of the mind or an hallucination

4). Elementals, divas or gins

Ghost Hunting Equipment

Ghost hunting equipment, basically consists of, a night vision video camera, to enable filming in the dark and obtaining any visual evidence. EMF metre, this is to detect any eltromatic fields, wireing and any source of electricity and can also be used as evidence if the metre goes off when nowhere near any wires or electrical equipment that is switched on or off.

Thermometre, to keep an eye of temperature fluctuations. Two way radios, essential if a group is to split up at a location, so noises from other areas can be ruled out. Digital camera for photographic evidence.

Motion detectors, best set up with a camera aswell, to detect any movement in an area where is to be no "human" presence.

Pens and note books to obtain a writen report of events and probably the most important, spare baterries for equipment.

Ghostly transport

Ghostly Transport : is a phenomenon that challenges the commonly held view that ghosts are spirits of the dead. There are a wide variety of reports about phantom vehicles or ghostly forms of transport some forms reported more often than others.

Out of all of the reports of ghostly transport, ghostly cars are possibly one of the rarest forms of phantom vehicle. One of the theories behind this, is that the car is a relatively recent invention which has left little time for the phenomenon to become established. It would seem that many reports of phantom cars appear, sadly, to be linked to tragic road accidents. However, the predecessors to cars, namely horses and carriages, do tend to be much more frequently reported, probably due to them being around much longer.

Apparently, phantom trains account for one of the more common forms of ghostly vehicle. They are said to appear, usually at the site of a rail disaster. One example of this was the Tay Rail Bridge disaster in Scotland in 1879. Here a bridge collapsed in a bad storm, leaving the oncoming train to plunge into a river below. Unfortunately, there were no survivors, and since the bridge was repaired, there have several reports of a phantom train disappearing near the middle of the reparations.


Glossolalia : The ability or phenomenon to utter words or sounds of a language unknown to the speaker, especially as an expression of religious ecstasy.

Many trance mediums claim to be able to perform this action and also those who claim to be possesd.


Gnome : is a name or an identity often proposed for fairies or little people: they are lost souls or souls of pre-Christian people doomed to walk the earth until they finally disappear.
They have also been described as fallen angels or elemental nature spirits, inhabiting a different dimension from our physical world. Some believe that they are visible thought forms that are mentally projected like the ideas proposed by Ted Serios, America’s leading thoughtographer. Gnomes are even thought by some to be the last remnants of an ancient pigmy race of ancient Britons.


Grigori : is the collective name for a group of angels who lost grace, they are also known as watchers. Originally it is told that the Grigori were sent to look after, guide and assist man during the beginning of civilisation.
Sadly these angels were not suited to this job and instead of playing a positive role they began to teach man sciences that God had deemed to be forbidden. These subjects included astrology, divination, herb craft and magic.
To compound this, they also began to lust after some of the women they were supposed to be guiding. In order to cohabitate with these women they even assumed physical forms. Although the church might argue that angels have no gender and therefore are unable to procreate anyway, the following excerpt from Genesis 6:4, points out that "the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them". The resulting half-breeds were named as the Nephilim.